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PRAMO is an AI-enabled hardware developed by Credknow that serves as a document management tool for maintaining important data.

The features of PRAMO include storing documents in hard and soft copy, scanning and retrieving documents using various filters, reading documents with the help of OCR and AI techniques, converting retrieved data into information, sharing documents with a single click, and presenting different types of reports.

PRAMO helps organizations by increasing efficiency, saving time and effort, removing the scope of errors, and facilitating data filtering and sharing.

The benefit of using PRAMO is that it enables the maintenance of important data in the most efficient way without compromising accuracy, and can do multiple people’s job single-handedly in a very short time. It also ensures document management and safety.

Over time, the way in which important data is maintained has undergone a transformation, making it more hassle-free and convenient. In this era of digitalization, maintaining data is not a very tough nut to crack. The advancements and inventions of today have made it possible to maintain data in the most efficient way without compromising on accuracy.

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